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推荐《Tears On Min Chun Road》,马修连恩,在访问台湾时,给远在加拿大的家人打电话诉说思念...
伤心民权路(Min Chun Road)

  I call you up on the phone  我在電話這端
  And tell you everything's all right  告訴你一切都很好
  But if the truth be known  但如果真相大白
  I don't think I can face this night  我不知如何面對這夜晚

  In the dark will you call my name  黑暗中,你是否會喚我的名
  And pretend that it's just the same  假裝一切依然
  As before, when the falling rain  就如往昔,落下的雨
  Would bring us closer in the night  讓我們靠得更緊,在夜裡

  Oh I wish that I...


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